Shawn Wrenn Employee Photo

Meet the Team Monday: Shawn Wrenn

Shawn Wrenn is this week’s featured DTP employee. Shawn joined the Digital Technology Partners team in November 2018, and serves a key role in supporting our clients’ technology as a member of our helpdesk team. Keep reading to learn more about Shawn in his interview.

Share some details about your role at DTP.
I’m an IT Support Technician with the Helpdesk Tier 1 team. We handle the vast majority of service tickets that are submitted to DTP, or escalate to other departments as needed. Personally, I’m the early morning tech, so I’m here at about 7:30 am to address emergency tickets that may come in prior to opening at 8 am.

Where are you originally from?
Marietta, Georgia. Left for a few years with the Army, but I came back and still live there.

What’s your favorite problem you’ve solved for a customer?
Any time I get to use ConnectWise View to “facetime” a customer’s office to identify issues. It’s my favorite of the tools available to us.

What do you like on your pizza?
Meat. All the meat.

What are your top 3 favorite video games?
Galaga, Tetris, Street Fighter 3

What movie have you seen the most times?
The Big Lebowski

Can you play any instruments?
I can kinda/sorta play piano, but not very well. I’m very out of practice.

Where was your last vacation?
Tybee Island.

What’s your dream vehicle?
When I was young, I dreamed of owning a Delorean, but some years ago I had a ’91 Mazda RX-7. Would love to have another one some day.